H.R. 9948, the Veterans Earned Transportation Act
Many veterans throughout our country have a difficult time accessing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities due to the distance they have to travel. It is imperative that the VA continues to provide safe and reliable transportation options to VA facilities, so they can receive health care and services they need and deserve.
H.R. 9948, the Veterans Earned Transportation Act or Vets ETA, introduced by Rep. Jimmy Panetta (CA), would make permanent the VA’s authority to provide transportation service to veterans attending vocational rehabilitation or counseling sessions at VA facilities by removing the expiration date of Sept. 30, 2025.
I join DAV in supporting H.R. 9948, the Vets ETA, in accordance with DAV Resolution №236. We must ensure that all service-disabled veterans have an effective and efficient transportation program to receive timely and high-quality VA health care, benefits and services.
“Our brave Veterans have made immense sacrifices for our country and while we can never thank them enough, we can work to ensure they receive the critical care they need — which includes reliable transportation to health services,” said Congressman Van Taylor. “I’m proud to join my colleague Congressman Jimmy Panetta to again introduce this bipartisan legislation, which will help provide transportation to mobility challenged Veterans across the country.”
I ask you to contact your representative and urge them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 9948. Use this link to email your representative: DAV | H.R. 9948, the Veterans Earned Transportation Act.
Thank you for taking action on behalf of service-disabled veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors.